Unlock a Better Home Buying Experience at Less Cost With CommVersion

Adil Hussain
Customer Experience
4 minutes
August 13, 2024

“We need to bring our website into 2024 or else we’ll lose conversions.”

And yet
“We don’t have the money to invest in new marketing programs, nor can we afford to hire any more support representatives to monitor chat.”


Do any of these statements sound (painfully) familiar to you? If you answered yes, you’re definitely not alone.


According to a recent survey from Adobe and Econsultancy, 52% of people said that offering meaningful digital interactions to improve their customers’ experience was one of their top two priorities. However, at the same time, 71% of CMOs reported that they don’t have the budget to execute this year’s marketing strategy.

So, at a time when your website experience matters more than ever but you don’t have any money or headcount to spare, how are you expected to improve your digital customer experience?


With the help of CommVersion. CommVersion provides you with the insights and tools you need to deliver better real-time education, assistance and conversion assistance to all of the homebuyers visiting your website without adding any headcount. On average, housebuilder customers see 15x ROI with CommVersion, so you could say it’s worth every penny 😉


Let’s take a closer look at how CommVersion can help your business deliver on customer expectations without breaking your budget 👇



24/7 Assistance

The reality of today’s home buying landscape is that many buyers don’t buy during the standard workday — instead, they wait for breaks in their workday or spend time outside of work to research and enquire. In fact, according to data from the housebuilders we work with at CommVersion, 40-50% of all chats that convert into high-intent leads happen after hours.


But while this timing may be convenient for your buyers, it likely isn’t for your team. CommVersion allows you to be there when your buyers need you without forcing your team to work long, costly hours. For example, CommVersion’s SmartChat solution can answer questions, help visitors navigate to the right, and nurture browsers into qualified leads for your sales team to progress when they’re back online.


Even during normal business hours, CommVersion’s solution can assist in increasing the productivity of your sales team. This is because, on top of qualifying leads, SmartChat can deflect irrelevant conversations — such as support questions or questions from unqualified site visitors — away from your sales teams, so they can just focus their time on selling. 


Moreover, with CommVersion taking care of engaging website visitors, homebuyers no longer have to wait for hours (or days) to get the information they need, and they can come into the sales journey with a better understanding of your developments and homes — which leads to a more efficient buying experience for everyone.


As a result, you get a winning situation for all parties — site visitors can get their questions answered quickly, and sales teams can avoid being looped into unqualified conversations, leaving them to spend more time focusing on opportunities that move the needle for the business.


More Productive Conversations, Faster

So much of a sales rep’s day is spent figuring out who to talk to and what to say. But think about how much more productive they’d be (and how much more revenue they’d drive) if they spent their day holding conversations only with homebuyers they knew were ready to buy.


CommVersion’s ‘SmartChat for Housebuilders’ solution helps foster higher-converting conversations by providing a channel that identifies potential homebuyers who are likely to leave your website without converting. With SmartChat, when a homebuyer or prospect enters into a chat, they’re nurtured, qualified and (where possible) immediately routed to the right sales team based on the visitor’s development of choice. 


Through the power of InstantConnect, your sales reps will receive an inbound call notifying them that there’s a sales-ready homebuyer on the line and be equipped with all the context obtained during the initial website chat, so that no matter what they’re working on, they have the ability to jump into the sales conversation and maximise the opportunity for a sale. 


Even beyond chat, CommVersion can help your sales reps prioritise incoming chat leads by suggesting which prospects they should focus on. And with an integrated tech stack, CommVersion slots in smoothly with all your existing tools and processes to ensure everything is working perfectly in sync and that your sales team have to do less manual work to know who they should reach out to and with what message.


By combining the power of SmartChat conversations and seamless integrations, CommVersion gives your sales reps the tools they need to make the most of their work hours, which results in more revenue for your company with no added headcount.


Personalised Experiences At Scale

Customers today expect to go onto a website and find the information they need easily. If they can, they’ll stay with your brand. But, if they can’t, they’ll leave.


But the only way you can deliver the frictionless experience that your buyers crave is to anticipate what they’re looking for. That’s where tools like SmartTargeting can help. Because, by integrating with your website and GA4 to understand the intent of your website traffic, CommVersion’s SmartTargeting technology unlocks a 360-degree view of who your website visitors are and what they’re looking for and how likely they are to buy.


With SmartTargeting, we can see what types of visitors are coming to your site, where they’re coming from, how they’re behaving when on your site and what barriers are preventing them from converting organically. Using this information we’re able to provide more personalised experiences to homebuyers on your site by suggesting content and next steps that we know are relevant to them.


By providing an inside look into the buyer’s journey and making your website do more of your work for you, CommVersion helps you create a more seamless website experience that reduces your cost-per-lead and gets your site visitors to the point of conversion, faster.


Final Thoughts

Today’s homebuyers have high digital expectations, but meeting them doesn’t require that you buy a multitude of tools. Instead, it means making the most of what’s already working for your business, and that’s where CommVersion comes into play. Because, not only does CommVersion provide you with more channels to convert homebuyers coming to your website, but it also makes sure that all of your tech “speaks” to each other so that you deliver one seamless customer experience from end to end. 


This results in more productive sales reps, faster deal cycles, and greater revenue.


So, don’t wait. Take this opportunity to optimise your website experience today.


