How True Homes sold 10 new properties after 4 weeks with SmartChat

Being one of Carolina's largest semi-custom homebuilders, True Homes is dedicated to building stunning homes in the state's most desirable neighbourhoods. With mortgage hikes at the end of 2022 causing lengthened sales cycles, the True Homes team knew they needed to look for options to reverse the impact on their bottom line.

Trial results were better than ever expected.

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With SmartChat live and active on the True Homes website, not only did it address their challenges but SmartChat exceeded all expectations.


increase in lead generation


new sales in 4 weeks


customer engagement


day free-trial

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Since we started using CommVersion's SmartChat solution, our sales have skyrocketed. We went live with it right in the middle of a mortgage rate hike and our sales cycle was starting to lengthen. But it was through the 4-week period that we managed to sail through uncertainty and recorded a 632% increase in qualified leads, selling 10 additional homes. And to top it off, Commversion’s service was so fantastic that even the sales team loves our leads. SmartChat is not too good to be true, trust me, the results really do speak for themselves."

Kevin Holifield
Digital Marketing Specialist, True Homes

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