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If you're curious, scroll down to learn more about our SmartChat solution.
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Let us take on your lead generation stress.

Generate Leads

Generate 30-50% more leads

See more leads from your existing marketing efforts qualified for sales to convert.

Provide an exceptional customer experience

Human-lead chat provides a personal experience for every visitor, 24 hours a day.


Enhance website conversion rates

Convert more leads from existing marketing tactics and website traffic.

Website Conversions

Enhance ROI on marketing spend

Optimise existing marketing tactics, and only pay for a successful result.

"Within the 14-day free trial, we witnessed a staggering 45% increase in conversions..."

Try Our 30-Day Free Trial

Cost-effective lead generation has never been simpler.

SmartChat's unmatched ability to nurture leads through tailored interactions significantly increases conversion rates, transforming visitors into paying customers.

Available 24/7 without the overhead

Consider our team yours, qualifying your traffic at all hours of the day

Optimise existing marketing spend

See more ROI on marketing campaigns with conversion rates of 30-50%

No financial risk

Only pay for qualified conversations, unqualified conversations are free

Tech and Human

The best of technology and the human connection.

Where technology makes SmartChat "smart", the human element is always involved, ensuring a high level of customer support and the efficiency to qualify more leads.

Talk to us about our event special. 30-day free trial.

It's a no-brainer.

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Seamless CRM integration

Desktop &
mobile friendly


Professional chat operators

lead generation

CRM Integration: Connect leads directly into your existing tech stack.

Make life easier for everyone and have qualified leads added directly into your existing platforms.
Learn more >

Chat-to-Call: Seamlessly turn chat conversations into phone calls.

Capitalise on every lead and seamlessly transition leads from chat to call with our solution.
Learn more >
Quotation marks

CommVersions' approach is unique in the chat space. Since transitioning from our former service provider, we have witnessed a significant increase in web leads, with a chat conversion rate averaging more than 50%. All without any negative impact on our other channels. 

Their service has proven to be efficient and effective for our business. CommVersion communicates with our website audience with the same individual attention that Jack Henry offers offline. It is an absolute pleasure working with them."

Jack Fowler
Owner, Jack Henry Motor Group
Quotation marks

Working with CommVersion has been a rewarding experience. They operate with the highest level of professionalism and are constantly looking for feedback to improve their services and deliverability.

I would absolutely recommend them as a Lead Generation Partner. We are approached often with companies promising how good their service is. Usually, they don’t deliver what they promise. CommVersion is an exception to that. They delivered and keep delivering."

Meyr Aviv
CEO / Founder, moving apt
Quotation marks

CommVersion's SmartChat Solution has really moved the needle for us - we saw an instant increase in the volume of leads generated for our communities by 30%+. My Sales Team loves the leads and the narrative that is included with each one. When they do their lead follow-up, they are able to quickly connect to the prospects' needs and wants.  

The setup process was quick and easy. CommVersion's pay-per-lead model means we only pay for the qualified leads they deliver."

Kelly Hoodwin
VP Sales & Marketing, Altura Homes

Turning live chat into a lead-generation solution. How SmartChat works.


High-intent visitors are identified using browsing behaviours and smart triggers.


Identified visitors are engaged with helpful information and qualified for the next step.


Qualified leads with chat transcripts and contact details flow through to sales.


More deals are won through a quick and seamless customer experience.

Don't just take our word for it.

Browse our success stories >

Frequently asked questions.

What is managed live chat?

Managed live chat is when the live chat on a website is operated by an outsourced third-party business that employs, trains and manages professional chat operators to handle all incoming conversations through a chat solution. CommVersion is a provider of managed live chat.

What is conversational marketing?

This is a new and growing marketing channel that uses real-time dialogue-based tactics to engage website visitors to build trust and convert them into qualified leads. 

What is SmartChat?

SmartChat is the next step of live chat!
We’ve built this to use buyer behaviour and online triggers to engage high-intent traffic 24/7 with the right messaging, qualifying and recording leads for sales teams to convert into a happy customer.

How is SmartChat different from other live chat?

SmartChat has been built specifically for lead generation and uses visitor behaviour and smart triggers to engage the right people with the right message at the right time.

Can SmartChat be deployed on all website platforms?

Yes. SmartChat has been built to be deployed on all website platforms such as Wordpress, Squarespace, Wix, Drupal and more. SmartChat is deployed by adding a code snippet to the header or footer of your website's code.

What is defined as a qualified lead?

A qualified lead will look different for every business. This is defined during onboarding to ensure SmartChat qualifies the right website visitors into leads ready for sales teams to engage.

A qualified lead will contain all contact information required to make contain and progress the lead towards an opportunity to make a sale. Information such as name, email, phone number and request details.

How do I get notified of a qualified lead?

All leads are emailed to the delegated email address(es) with full lead information and a transcript of the entire chat. These can also be integrated with your existing CRM platform.

Does CommVersion offer chat services after hours?

Yes. CommVersion offers a 24x7 managed Live Chat service. That means CommVersion's trained agents are always ready to take chats on your website whatever the time of day or day of the week.

Can leads be sent directly into my CRM platform?

Yes. CommVersion offers direct lead integration into a multitude of CRM systems - all key data points of the lead, such as lead source, lead name, email, phone number, their preferred time of call, are all added into the CRM of your choice.

Still have questions?

Let's Chat